Hearthstone Esports


Release Date:
Prize Money Awarded:
$31,231,683.48 From 1174 Tournaments
Recorded Date Range:
2013-10-19 to

Hearthstone, originally Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, is a free-to-play digital collectible card game from Blizzard Entertainment. It revolves around turn-based matches between two opponents, operated through Blizzard's Battle.net service. Players can choose from a number of game modes, with each offering a slightly different experience.

Hearthstone is supported by booster packs, Arena Mode entries, Adventure Mode wing access and alternate hero skins. Unlike other card games, Hearthstone does not use a trading card system and instead allows players to 'disenchant' unwanted cards into 'arcane dust' resource, which can then be used to 'craft' new cards of the player's choice.

Despite the focus on accessibility and fast-paced gameplay, Hearthstone tournaments has been hosted at numerous events around the world, including those hosted by MLG and ESL. Blizzard hosts their own annual "Hearthstone World Championship", where the best Hearthstone players around the world fight for the chance to compete in the Global Finals at BlizzCon.

Top Players

 Player IDPlayer NameTotal (Game)
1.Netherlands ThijsThijs Molendijk$523,572.99
2.Germany BunnyHopporRaphael Peltzer$508,531.23
3.Taiwan, Republic of China tom60229Chen, Wei-Lin$484,977.87
4.Japan glorySato, Kenta$403,446.00
5.Japan posesiIshibashi, Wataru$370,815.00
6.Norway HunteraceCasper Notto$352,116.26
7.Russian Federation PavelPavel Beltiukov$348,648.00
8.United States bloodyfaceBrian Eason$333,778.00
9.Korea, Republic of SurrenderKim, Jung Soo$327,131.57
10.United States fr0zenFrank Zhang$313,458.26
11.Sweden OrangeJon Westberg$308,075.72
12.China JasonzhouZhou, Bin$296,734.75
13.China XHope-, -$293,725.18
14.United States FirebatJames Kostesich$274,628.10
15.Czech Republic JarlaJaromír Vyskočil$273,869.04
16.Germany ViperTorben Wahl$270,450.00
17.Ukraine KolentoAleksandr Malsh$248,404.46
18.China LiooonLi, Xiaomeng$240,950.00
19.United States DogDavid Caero$235,488.39
20.Canada PurpleRyan Murphy-Root$227,418.33
21.Romania RduDima Radu$222,707.89
22.Ukraine DrHippiArtem Kravets'$210,416.67
23.Philippines StazEuneil Javiñas$194,610.89
24.United States MuzzyMuzahidul I.$188,190.47
25.Denmark FuryhunterFrederik Møller$182,640.90

Online/LAN Breakdown

LocationPrize Money% of Total
Online Only$12,896,155.3641.29%


» Dota 2-$335,695,101.48
» Counter-Strike: Global Offensive-$131,515,561.87
» League of Legends-$85,462,182.84
» StarCraft II-$11,506,742.69
» Overwatch-$4,042,728.90
» Heroes of the Storm+$12,764,964.10
» WarCraft III+$24,921,659.44
» Gwent+$29,686,986.31

Top Countries

 Country NamePrize Money
1.China China$4,637,640.68
2.United States United States$3,901,008.72
3.Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of$2,071,649.90
4.Germany Germany$1,855,319.62
5.Japan Japan$1,460,926.19
6.Taiwan, Republic of China Taiwan, Republic of China$1,442,778.35
7.Canada Canada$1,424,857.74
8.France France$1,409,586.24
9.Russian Federation Russian Federation$1,211,505.13
10.Ukraine Ukraine$835,179.24

Other Notable Players

The following players may not have necessarily competed in this game, but have contributed to the competitive scene in other ways.

Germany TaKeDennis GehlenCommentator, Content Creator, Host, Tournament Organizer